Sunday, May 10, 2009

staying awake. by orange

While training for the 1/2 marathons my running buddies and I have been trying various "race nutrition" items.  Basically they provide you a boost - a bit more than your average sip of gatorade.  A couple that have been popular with us are CLIF shot blocks, Luna Moons and Sport Beans.  Sound tasty don't they?

Well nearing the 1/2 marathon we made sure to find the one that worked best with us during the run.  I was most excited about the Sport Beans - as they are sweet jelly beans (made by jelly belly), however with an added kick - including caffeine.  Sadly, my stomach did not agree with them while running.  However, I thought - would these little jelly beans provide the boost that I might need on a night out on the town?

Ask the husband, I can fall asleep just about anywhere at anytime.  I've even gone to the doctor regarding this amazing amount of sleep I crave, but apparently nothing is wrong.  The husband swears it is due to a lack of hydration throughout the day - which I do agree with him, just haven't quite started the hydration plan.  Anyway, you can imagine, while out - even with red bull vodkas galore I'm still getting sleepy when the clock strikes midnight.  So something that can wake me up and and doesn't involve snorting sounds like a dream come true.

Where else to try out the sport beans than in the city that never sleeps - New York City.  With the bars being open until 4am I knew I would need some help.  So...

it worked!  Here I am at the end of the night - still awake and going!  :)

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