Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow? by violet

I come from a family of gardeners. My mom’s favorite thing to do is be outside in her yard talking to the flowers. My stepmom has started a vegetable garden and has a pretty green thumb. My grandfather used to fret over his tomato plants.

And me? Well, I’m lucky if I don’t kill a house plant right away. But I have always felt like gardening was in my genes and if I gave it a real shot I could be good at it. After I went with Melissa to a Do-It-Herself workshop at Home Depot, I got inspired. How great would it be to pick veggies out of your own front yard?

After some engineering on J.P.’s part (THANKS!), he built me a lovely bench to make our second story balcony my mini vegetable garden.

I went back Home Depot to pick up some supplies.

I was a little intimidated by the garden department. Even though I had my class under my belt, there’s something about being faced with actual plants with actual dirt to put them in that changes the game.

I tried to pay attention to the signs and the descriptions. I also heeded advice from other gardeners which was to grow foods that you like to eat. I picked out peppers, both green and red bell as well as jalapeno along with beefsteak and cherry tomatoes as well as some snap peas, just for good measure.

I’m more than a little excited about the whole thing. I’ve been obsessively checking the plants for the past few weeks. And the other day after work, I noticed this:

How amazing is that? I grew that!

I’m beginning to understand why my family is so into this gardening thing. A girl could get used to this.

Violet in my brand new Sperry Top-Siders in Sahara

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