you all know, i'm on a
shopping hiatus- i'm 4 weeks deep. and let me tell you - it is a bit rough. now i hate saying that as i feel superficial and like a typical girl, but i do like fashion and love finding new things to try out. unfortunatley to try out that requires money. too bad i'm not still in highschool or college where there was ease in borrowing a friend's shirt or skirt. maybe i should start a borrowing every sunday - do a swap? curious...i digress.
i need new workout shoes and running shoes. now you may ask - why two pairs? well i'm a hardcore runner. kidding! but i do run and like to keep running shoes seperate from the everyday wear. my current running shoes have roughly a year of running on them - perhaps 200+ miles (crazy isn't it!). thus - new ones are needed. as for the "workout" pair, i have an old pair of new balances that i've had for about 3 years that just need an update. so...this weekend i'm off to the running store to get running shoes and to nordstrom rack and DSW to find some good deals on the workout pair of shoes.
i'm excited about the purchase of workout shoes as i'll be able to choose from different styles, see what is out there and shiny new. unfortunately for the running shoes i just get my same pair over and over again as they fit my feet really well. who knew i'd ever buy something for simply fit and good for my feet rather than style :).
in my excitement for this purchase i've done some online browsing. now as i'm headed to nordstrom rack/DSW i probably won't see any of these but it is still fun to look. check out these:

nothing too crazy but i like the colors :)

and these just make me want to be a golfer...