Monday, August 3, 2009

roughing it. by orange

s'mores. crackling fire. smokey air. all mixed with the soothing voice of Iron & Wine...perfect camping trip.

i have not had the pleasure of camping in quite some time...maybe 5 years or so. and the last time...let's be honest...don't really remember much due to the keg that was present. this past weekend the husband and i and some of our dear friends packed up the cars and headed to the Washington coast to go camping. oh how i love camping!! oh how i have missed you!!

some of my favorite camping moments:

- you know you are camping in the northwest when you go to the ocean coast beach in july and you are laying out in a lawn chair in pants, gym shoes, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, rain jacket and a beach towel...over a blanket.

- flip cup. i really think my college experience seriously lacked some due to not playing this fun game. it is fabulous.

- s'mores. delicious. enough said. perhaps that is why i consumed 5 in one night...oops!

- picture of everyone trying to kick their heels together like a leprechaun on the beach.

- husband's parent's golf ball toss game. basically you take this goal-like thing (with three sections) and throw a rope with two mini golf balls attached to the end of it to try and get the rope to wrap around one of the sections. each section is a different point value - the person to get to 21 first wins.

- the beach town of ocean shores. there was a store with a shark entrance. literally you walk through the shark into the store. full of shark gear, of course.

- salt water taffy.

- catch phrase. this game is perfect by the campfire.

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