Tuesday, September 29, 2009

West Seattle Food Love. by Violet

A trip to the market
True confession: I talk about how awesome farmer’s markets are. I praise local, fresh and organic foods all the time. But until recently, I had never, technically, purchased anything at one. I know. I’m a horrible human.

A few weeks ago my friend Melissa and I headed to the west Seattle farmers market. Melissa was a great support system since she is a veteran of the farmer’s markets. It helped that it was a lovely sunshiny morning.

My first ever market purchase was an amazing nectarine that I tried a sample of. Then once I started I couldn’t stop. I got bread, tomatoes for my favorite panzanella.

And the stunning Dahlias that are this lovely fall color.

Bringing Home the Bacon
Then, all of west Seattle is a twitter about The Swinery. So we tried out their bacon this weekend. It looked really fatty and not very meaty before cooking. But I was shocked when it was finished. Hands down best bacon I’ve ever had. Headed back this weekend to pick up some lunch meat.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Inside the Actor's Studio. by orange

What is your favorite word?
- In the dictionary: flustered
- Not in the dictionary: snirt (dirty snow), fahoodled (confused), schmiglet (small unit of measurement)

What is your least favorite word?
Robust. This word is used way Too much at my place of work.

What turns you on?
Witty sense of humor, shoulders

What turns you off?

What sound do you love?
Crisp autumn leaves rustling in the wind and crinkled paper

What sound do you hate?
Smacking gum

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

What profession would you not like to participate in?

What's your favorite curse word?
F**K. So many ways to use it.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Biscuit (dog growing up) and Grandpa Ken are waiting for you over there.

What are your answers?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hello World! by violet

Inside the Actor's Studio. by violet

On every episode on Inside the Actor's Studio, James Lipton asks his guests the same questions. I thought to introduce myself, I would take a stab at those same questions.

What is your favorite word?
There are so many words that I love. I’m a big word person so this is really hard but some of my favorites include: dilapidated, incorrigible, astounding, lovely, divine and bliss.

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on?
Laughter and playfulness

What turns you off?

What sound do you love?
Rain on the roof and the sound of my niece laughing

What sound do you hate?
The high pitched buzz electronics give off when they are in standby mode.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
TV writer or marine biologist

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Accounting. I’m glad there are people out there that are good at it and like to do it, but to me it sounds like hell on earth.

What's your favorite curse word?
F**K. It’s cathartic. (There are another two words I love)

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Come on in, the water’s fine.

Orange, what about you?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

change is upon us. by orange

you may have noticed...orange violet has been a bit quiet recently. sorry if you've been checking back and all you see is the same "schnood" post.

a few changes have occurred. here are some of the recent happenings:
  • orange and violet no longer work together at Starbucks...violet spread her wings and took on a new position at another Seattle company. i miss her dearly.
  • violet canceled her internet at home...I know...shocking - I can't imagine life with no internet at home. but, good for her!
  • violet is in love - in "honeymoon stage" love (yes...still in honeymoon).
thus...with all this change violet is taking a hiatus from our lovely blog. but the good news is - a new violet is here! if you remember way back when, we had a guest blogger..."living in sin." Well she is our new violet!

so stay tuned - in the next week or so the new orange violet should be up and running! see you soon!

xo orange.